Is emotional, mental, or physical energy holding you back from moving in your desired direction?

At Self-Energy, we inspire you to harness your inner strength and reach new heights. Whether navigating life's challenges, striving to build resilience, enhancing connections, or seeking meaning and purpose, we are dedicated to supporting you in achieving your goals.

  • Identify your blocked energy

  • Speak your dreams into existence

  • Make a clear goal and plan to achieve it

  • Bring it into reality

  • Unlock your potential to achieve the state of being you desire.

    Whether you're looking to overcome mental blocks to reach new career goals, learn the power of positive reinforcement, navigate through grief, or strengthen your relationships, we are here to support you. The opportunities for personal growth are limitless.

  • "Where you look affects how you feel."

    -Dr. David Grand, developer of brainspotting

  • Connect your body and mind.

    Research from neurologists has revealed that establishing a connection between the brain and body promotes personal growth. This is our mission!

  • The perinatal period is one of the most beautiful yet vulnerable times in a couple's life. Let us support you as you embark on this transformative journey together.

    We provide a nurturing and safe space for you to embrace your emotional health and pursue your happiness.

  • Understand their needs while honoring your own.

    Parenthood is challenging, but you don't have to face it alone. Let us assist you in navigating parenting difficulties and nurturing your inner child so that you can become the parent you aspire to be.

Let’s jumpstart your life!

Harness your self-energy